Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Standard Curriculum for Yoga Teacher Training Program

Goa is the best place for Yoga Teacher Training. This locality provides a perfect balance with the community of Yogis. Some of the prominent institutes of Training are in Goa.
MYT Yoga Institute offers 200hr Yoga Teacher Training in Goa. It is one of the best yoga certification schools. This institute arranges classes for all teachers. The activities incorporated in the certification are creating confidence in teaching, pranayama, making postural corrections, and philosophy about it.
The over-all curriculum of this institute is as below:
·         Philosophy and basic theory of Yoga logic
·         Practice of teaching basic yoga
·         Anatomy and physiology skills required for practice
·         Meditation
·         Independent and self-study
·         Communication skills
The benefits of joining this institute are as below:
·         Approved curriculum by Yoga Alliance
·         This is a very cost-efficient certification program
Yogic Lifestyle Immersion
To get most of the benefits of this certification, a devoted group of yoga teachers gives personal attention.
Spiritual as well as Modern approach towards Yoga
The specialty of MYT Yoga Academy is all types of Yoga form. This academy offers space for an integral evaluation. The Yoga Teacher Training with this academy turns a passion for yoga into a significant profession. The training highlights of the certification in this academy are as below:
·         Voice training, touch development and adjustment of applied training
·         Postural alignment understanding of anatomy and energy
·         Deepening classical Hatha yoga
·         Energy based classical Hatha yoga asana practice
·         Pranayama and Bandha
·         Weekly supervised training which develops self-confidence.
Daily spiritual heart meditation which increases awareness and fosters the present moments:
·         Introduction Dieting
·         Introduction of Ayurveda
·         Introduction to purification
The teacher training through the certification program will have:
·         Correction, alignment, and adjustment of Yoga technique
·         Usage of the voice
·         Vocal training
·         Group dynamics introduction
·         Introduction of leadership qualities
·         Attitude and body language as a teacher
·         Class research and sources
·         Class sequencing and structure
·         Personal interviews
·         Art of the touch and Massage-Thai type
·         Certification and network strategies
·         Marketing strategies
This institute has a complete program that clears the understanding of yoga. The daily schedule starts up with the sunrise meditation. All the yoga asana is conducted in an open environment and fresh air.
The training program summary is as below:
·         Daily interactive workshop to explore the art of yoga teaching
·         Methods of yogic cleansing and experience kriyas
·         Starting from the one-day regular peer teaching
·         Daily asana, Pranayama, and daily meditation
·         Daily spiritual lessons focused on integrating yoga
·         Yoga philosophy
·         Message, nutrition and energy modalities
·         Improvement of personal practice
·         Improve personal practice
·         Development of sadhana
·         Study of selected yoga sutra in-depth
·         Study of yoga physiology and anatomy
Visit our website at http://www.mytyoga.com/ to get more details, and if you have any queries, then we will answer it.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Some Admirable Tips for a Successful Yoga Teacher Training

If you are just about to head for your yoga teacher training and thinking that you will surely return as an expert and proficient yoga teacher. You may be wrong!
As just by getting joined in famous educational institutions of the world, not virtually will turn you into a successful person, likewise, completing your 200- hour yoga teacher training course from a well-known yoga school will not become a successful yoga teacher. 
For a successful yoga teacher training, instead of just being reliant and dependent on your teachers, One needs to be fully dedicated, devoted, and put their efforts as well.
Here are some tips you must to follow to make your 200-hour yoga teacher training successful:
1. Correct Time Management: Due to the complete curriculum, yoga teacher training has a very intense and heavy schedule. To get a huge amount of knowledge and become a skilled teacher, it is essential to apt in a fixed amount of time. It's an intimidating task to make co-ordination between your yoga classes, practice, lectures, and rest. By well planning your day and managing your time correctly, you can avoid devastating yourself from the packed schedule of the training.
2. Stay hydrated: During your intense yoga class, it is vital to keep your body hydrated and moisturized as you sweat a lot more than normal days. At all times carry a water bottle along with you. On sweating, we lose our electrolytes. Simple water can't refill all of them. So, it is wise to add a bit of lime juice, and a pinch of salt in your water as that would refill your body with minerals.
3. Pay attention to your body: Even though the main reason for a yoga teacher training program is becoming knowledgeable with yoga poses. It doesn't inevitably mean that you have to perform the right posture in the first attempt. Pay attention to your body, know its limits, and give it as much time as it requires. Slowly your body will lengthen its limitations automatically without getting injured or hurt.
4. Practice more: Yoga teacher training in Goa is all about changing you into a yogic expert who can do all yoga posture with effortlessness. To make this happen, it's very significant to practice all the yoga postures being trained to you as much you can because we all know that practice makes you perfect.
5. Love your training: To make your yoga training more operative and successful, one of the essential things is that you enjoy every single moment of your practice.
So, keep these little things in mind and make the best out of your yoga teacher training in Goa.